Welcome to the Memory Blog!
In January 2024, The Medical Marijuana Memory Blog moved to Substack. Please visit us in our new home.
The blog highlights Alice’s memories of 40+ years in the medical cannabis issue and her new venture, Project 50.
Still Waiting
With 38 states and millions of patients using medical cannabis how can it be that cannabis is still a Schedule I drug? How?
Those curious plastic cases
Plastic cases used for Robert Randall’s take-home supply of medical cannabis in 1976 and 1977.
Judge Young’s 35 year old Decision is front and center again
Thirty-five years ago a DEA administrative law judge ruled that cannabis should be re-scheduled. The agency rejected his findings. Will they do the same thing to the President of the United States?
New History Book Highlights Medical Cannabis Movement
Learn about the often heartbreaking efforts to reform the prohibition against the medical use of cannabis.
Kenny Jenks Remembered
Kenny and Barbra Jenks, suffering with AIDS, spent their last good days advocating for legal access to cannabis. Initially frightened, and rightly so, the young couple learned the truth and used their voice to educate and advocate.